A plantain’s ripening process is indicated by its peel. Plantains that look a bit weathered on the outside will still be quite delicious when prepared. The darker the plantain, the sweeter the flesh — even completely black plantains taste great once prepared! As long as it's not sagging or molding, the plantain can be used.
Green plantains are firm and starchy and resemble potatoes in flavor. Yellow plantains are softer and starchy, yet sweet. Like bananas, plantains develop more sugar as time passes, so plantains will be at their sweetest when they have a brown or black peel.
Store the plantains at room temperature, uncovered and out of direct sunlight. Partially brown plantains continue to ripen when left out at room temperature. It’s best to keep them at room temperature until they’ve turned completely brown or black. Then, store them in the refrigerator and consume them within 3-5 days.
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